Stop listening to everyone else and listen to yourself.

This is the single most important lesson I've learned from my Human Design, the Gene Keys, and natural health journey. I can't wait to share all of my wisdom with you so you too can live a life in alignment full of health & vitality.

Empowerment  ⚪️  Love  ⚪️  Freedom  ⚪️  Patience  ⚪️  Grace

My path to 
  Empowerment & Freedom

Thanks so much for stopping by my home on the web, here's my story...

I'm a mama & wife, spiritual leader, DIYer, oil lover, & natural health enthusiast, My passion is to guide you live your most aligned life. Freedom comes from coming into alignment with how your natural energy is meant to function.  When we are energetically aligned physical health and vitality comes with ease, especially when we support our bodies with natural health practices.
My biggest lesson has definitely been becoming a mama and everything that goes with it.  Every day I am learning to navigate motherhood and how to create a loving & healthy home.
Lessons from a Newborn...

So... how did my journey start?  Well, it started with the physical.  I can remember when I first brought our son, Eero, home, I felt lost.  He was colicky, gassy, had a severe case of torticollis, and was just an all around unhappy baby. Being a first time mom and confronted with all of this was HARD and compounded by my own emotional issues, lead to PPD.  The first 6 months of Eero's life was full of a lot of tears, from both of us. 
Then his first REAL cold and fever hit.  I didn't feel prepared and didn't know what to do to help him.  Everyone just kept telling me, oh just use Infant Tylenol and Ibuprofen, but this didn't sit right with me.  I knew all I was doing was masking the symptoms and not actually helping his body to heal.  This lead me to diving into natural remedies, learning how the body works, and ultimately empowered me as a mother to care for my babies. 
Now, I know what to do to keep my babies healthy from my abundant toolkit of lifestyle choices and natural remedies.  I no longer have that panicked feeling when Eero or Emma spike a fever, I know exactly what to do and it is my mission to help every mama feel confident in taking care of their families. There is truly so much we can do when we understand how the body works, even in simple terms and I can't wait to share it all with you!
For me one of the biggest sources of freedom has come from understanding how the body works and supporting it with natural health remedies.  
Not only will I help you with coming into energetic alignment, but I will also help empower you to keep yourself and family physically healthy! Life is just better when we take care of our physical and energetic health naturally!
Tending to our energetic wellness...
After I got a good handle on our physical well-being I moved over to our emotional and energetic well-being. Soon after my daughter was born Human Design came into my life and brought with it answers to soooo many of my questions.  It explained why I am so affected by people (7 open centers here), and why my son controls the emotional barometer in our home. Finally it explained why I never felt like I had any kind of energetic control or influence over my family. Let's just say I'm not a Penta person (make sure you sign up for my newsletter because I will go over what that means!).  
Human design showed me where the energetics were off in my life and a pathway of how to get back into alignment and I can't wait to help you find yours!
As I was learning about HD the Gene Keys came into my life which has rounded off the three pillars I use in my everyday life.  The Gene Keys takes a more spiritual approach which resonates with my many years of yoga practice.  Working through the Gene Keys Golden Path (visit the Gene Keys page to learn more about this) has given me the space to look deeply at my shadow patterns and fears inherent in my design and make peace with them. 
I'm here for you, through the ups and downs, tears and smiles, I will be here to help uplift and encourage you. Our bodies are meant for health and our lives are meant for abundance, let's discover your unique path for both!

A Little More About Me

Things I can't live without...

Essential Oils, Herbs, & Beautiful Clothes!

I am from...

Wrightwood, California 
and have made my way back!

On the weekends I'm...

hanging with my family, going on adventures,
& having fun!

My favorite movie is...

Moulin Rouge!
Ewan MacGregor is my Celeb crush

Something people don't
know about me...

All of the mindset and growth I've had
to go through to get where I am today.

My favorite place on this planet...

The Mountains, on a lake, surrounded by evergreen trees,
embraced by the beauty of Mother Earth.

Get off the struggle bus and live a life of ease and flow.

It all starts with learning how you are energetically designed.  Creating your Human Design chart is your first step towards alignment & vitality!


Let's Connect

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© Mallory Riess