Crystals to help follow your inner Guidance

Crystals to help follow your inner Guidance
Using natural gemstones and crystals can be a great help to support you along your spiritual journey.

Some of my favorites to use for support with trusting and following your own inner guidance are: Labradorite, Kyanite, and Smokey Quartz.
Labradorite helps you to connect with and bring awareness to the universal energies around you to help guide you in the answers you seek and correct decisions to make that already lie within you.

Kyanite opens you up to and connects you with your own inner knowing and spirit guides so that you are aware of their guidance.

Smokey Quartz grounds the guidance you receive with in you and helps to release the fears that are holding you back from following that guidance.

Carrying crystals around with you is a wonderful way to open yourself up to this guidance and have a physical reminder of the intentions you set.

Wearing your crystals in beautiful jewelry is another way to keep the healing energies and intention with you.  For this reason I created the "Guidance Mala" pictured below, click on the image to learn more about this beautiful, hand-knotted mala!

How Human Design can help to Balance your Hormones!

How Human Design can help to Balance your Hormones!
This one is more for the ladies, but for my men subscribers there may be some insights for you too because no matter your gender we all have hormones and when not living in alignment they get out of wack.

Ever since I had my daughter I've experinenced symptoms of PMS, mostly mental for me.  Those few days leading up to when Aunt Flow comes to visit were filled with negative self talk (which usually doesn't fill my head), feeling very lethargic, crying a ton, and almost, dare I say... depressed. 😬

It was a weird phenomena for me, and I did all of the natural things I knew to do.  Ate whole food, took my supplements, used all of my hormone balancing oils.  They definitely helped but still I knew my hormones were off.

So I just kind of accepted it, I knew to be aware that those few days before were not going to be great in terms of mental health and it was a lesson in allow those feelings in, fully feeling them instead of running away, and knowing that they would pass.

So what does all of this have to do with Human Design?

Well, ever since starting to dive into this system I'd read that the Energy Centers and Gates of the Human Design System correlate to different parts and systems of the body and the body's hormones.

In fact, hormones drive and regulate most of the body in different ways, I won't get into all of that know because it will just make this email even longer 😅

For the last month I have been personally working on deconditioning my Head Center and intentanially living in alignment with how mine is desgined to operate. 

What I've noticed is, my mind does not get carried away with itself and all of the crazy thoughts which makes my mental health so much better.  My mind is clearer.  Following my Strategy and Authority is easier because I know I don't need to take action on all of the thoughts my mind thinks up.  I feel such a relief of all of the mental pressure!

Besides my mental health being so much better in general, those few days before Aunt Flow came to visit I didn't have any of my usual PMS symptoms.  The physical fatigue wasn't there, I wasn't snapping at my family, and I wasn't crying for three days, and doing that downward depressive spiral in my mind.

The first day of the visit I had such a pep in my step I even did a cardio workout!

For me it was just a testament to the power of living how you personally are designed.  When we honor our energy life starts to come into balance.

If you'd like to learn more about the Head Center and work through your own deconditioning process around this center I'll be hosting an "Aligned Head Center Workshop" at the end of next month.  Be the first to know when it's happening and get all of the details by signing up for the waitlist here!

With love,

You are NOT your Mind; take steps to get out of your mind and back into your life.

You are NOT your Mind; take steps to get out of your mind and back into your life.
My mind has taken a hold of me again.

It happens, from time to time, but over the years it has lessened.

So what did I do to overcome my crazy mind?

I checked in with my Head Center.  

Before I get into what that means let's take a step back and see the role mind plays in your design.  So, stick with me until the end because I do have some tips for you!

human design, head center, deconditioning

The Biggest Mistake I See People Make When Starting Their Human Design Journey

The Biggest Mistake I See People Make When Starting Their Human Design Journey
The number one biggest mistake most people make when starting their Human Design Journey is completely going down the rabbit hole and wanting to learn everything there is to know about Human Design.

I get, Human Design is so fascinating and gives you so much confirmation on how you’ve always felt on the inside but never really allowed yourself to express on the outside. 

But, there comes a point when just consuming all of the information is simply brain candy. It's a distraction that takes you away from the real work of deconditioning so that you can actually follow your strategy and authority. If you want to fulfill your purpose in this lifetime, you do that by deconditioning and following your own unique path.

Think for a minute, how many people who you’ve come across who seem to know a lot about Human Design but you get the feeling they are not truly living their design?  

They have the knowledge, but knowledge does not equate embodiment.  In reality just consuming Human Design content can be a double edge sword and it runs a fine line.  On one hand you need to have a basic understanding of your design but on the other you need to be mindful that you’re actually experimenting with your design in real life and not just theorizing about it.

Ra Uru Hu, the founder of the Human Design system, said many times that Human Design can just turn into mental gymnastics and distract you from living out your purpose.

So how do you actually start to live your design?

You need to make sure you’re actually working through your deconditioning process and not getting sidetracked by all of the shiny Human Design objects.

Now, I know I’m a Human Design educator, that’s what I do, I teach the brain candy, but this is not really the point of Human Design. The point of Human Design is to live out your purpose by living as your unique self.  My purpose is to show you that you have your own unique path in this lifetime and that unfold by following your own authority.

So let me ask you... 

Do you really want to keep going down all of the different Human Design rabbit holes trying to find the answers to yourself? (hint: if you have an open Head Center than this is your head center operating in an unhealthy state, always looking for the answers.) Or do you actually want to start experimenting with your design, work through your own deconditioning process, and connect with your authority to live life full of satisfaction, success, peace, or surprise.

So now you’re probably thinking, okay Mallory so then what AM I suppose to do?

Well, you work on your deconditioning so that you can better connect to your strategy and authority. The first step in doing this is understanding how your energy centers are operating.

Are you operating in healthy states within each energy center or unhealthy states?

If you’re not sure then I created a free resource for you “The Beginners Guide to Aligned Energy Centers” its the perfect starting point for you to understand how you’re operating in your Energy Centers and where some shifts needs to be made.

This is a 22 page guide going through each of the 9 Energy Centers in the Human Design system and breaking down the healthy states and unhealthy states of each center, both defined and undefined.

When you are operating in alignment within each energy center that’s when you’re able to allow the mind to step aside, trust your strategy, and connect with your own authority to guide you in this lifetime.

With love,

Understanding where your Inner Authority comes from in Human Design.

Understanding where your Inner Authority comes from in Human Design.
Hello beautiful soul!

Before we get into understanding where your Inner Authority comes from in Human Design, take a moment and breath into your body.  Connect with your body.  Your inner authority lies within your body, the body will always let you know what is correct for you; either through feelings or words that naturally come out of your mouth without preemptive thought.

The premise of Human Design is how to make correct decisions in your life so that you may eventually fulfill your purpose in this lifetime. 

In order to fulfill your purpose you must trust your Inner Authority.

So let's get a basic understanding of where Inner Authority comes from in Human Design.

To do this you can either watch the video below if you're an auditory learner or keep reading if you prefer to learn that way!

Before I dive into explaining what Inner Authority is and how it is determined let me be clear, this blog post is not about each different Inner Authority and how yours works.  If you'd like a video specially for your Inner Authority, I have that for you!  

Simply click below to get your Human Design Chart and then click on what ever is listed next to Inner Authority on your chart and that will take you to a video explaining all about your personal inner authority.

Inner Authority is where your intuition lies.  

In Human Design there are 7 different types of Inner Authority and where yours is located and how it works depends on the definition in your chart.

This graphic below shows you the hierarchy of Inner Authority, but don't misconstrue what I mean my hierarchy, no Inner Authority is better than another.  This chart just shows the order in which Authority is determined. 

So starting from the left to the right the order in which Authority is determined:

1. Emotional Authority (Solar Plexus Defined)
2. Sacral Authority (Sacral center is defined but not the Solar Plexus)
3. Splenic Authority (Splenic Center is defined but not the Solar Plexus or Sacral) 
4. Ego/Heart Authority (Ego/Heart Center defined but not the Solar Plexus, Sacral, or Spleen)
5. Self-Projected Authority (G Center is defined but not the Solar Plexus, Sacral, Spleen or Ego?heart)
6. Mental Authority (Throat center, Ajna, and/or head centers are defined but not any of the other centers)
7. Lunar Authority (These are the Reflectors that have no centers defined)

Keep in mind these are the order of definition, other than the ones listed that cannot be defined for that center to be an authority that other energy centers can also be defined.

I know this can be a bit confusing so feel free to ask questions below in the comments!

The last thing to remember is that we have evolved from 7 centered beings who were dependent on outer authority to tell them what to do and make decisions for them to 9 centered being who are here to follow their own Inner Authority and make their own decisions.

YOU know what is correct for you.  It's just about releasing what is the conditioned you through your own deconditioning process and tapping back into the true essence of you.

Your Human Design Chart is just a reminder of who you are designed to be in this lifetime and to follow your own intuition.

Sending your all the love on your Journey, I'm always here if you need anything.

Bye for now,
Mallory Riess

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