Ah, I'm so excited you're here!!!
Now, I know there is A LOT of information in this membership, but like with anything in life just take it in one step at a time!
For your immediate next step I highly recommend downloading the "AttractWell app" onto your phone. AttractWell is the website hosting platform that I use and when you download their app you can use the same Login credentials you created for your Oily Love Team login and then be able to access easily on your phone and get notifications for chats and new videos released!
Watch the video below for a walk through on how to download and set up the AttractWell app to access Oily Love Team.
Inside you will find:
- Oily Love Team Chat - where you can connect with other oilers, learn quick oily tips, and stay up to date with new resources and sales Young Living puts on.
- Educational Classes - learn how to use essential oils to support all systems of your body.
- Essential Oil Infused Yoga Flows and Meditations.
- Young Living Library - an ever expanding library of videos explaining each of Young LIving's Oils and Products
If you have any issues please email myself and team at
support@malloryriess.com providing you valuable content and amazing customer service is of upmost importance to me so please reach out!