Winter Solstice and Human Design

Winter Solstice and Human Design
Happy Winter Solstice!  Here's what you need to know from a Human Design Perspective...

Today (Dec. 21st 2022) and every Winter Solstice the Sun moves into the 10th Gate line 2.  This is written out 10.2

Gate 10 resides in the G center of the body graph which is our center of love, identity, and direction.

The 10th gate is the true love and acceptance of yourself as you were designed to be, not the conditioned self.

Ra Uru Hu, the founder of the Human Design System, always said that when we don't love ourselves it is not our true self that we do not love, but the conditioned self.

So every Winter Solstice is a day to work through our de-conditioning  and feel the energy of truly loving and accepting who we are designed to be.  To do this you simply surrender to your Strategy and Authority.  In doing this you take the first steps in releasing what is not truly yours and embrace your process of becoming you again.  

For today I encourage you to experiment fully with your Strategy and Authority by honoring it.  If you a Manifestor inform and take action on the things that have been calling to you,  Generators and Manifesting Generator see what you respond to throughout the day and what your authority tells you about those things, Projectors see what invitations comes your way and listen to your Authority if those invitations are correct for you.  If you're a Reflector fully experience the day be open to what the day brings and observe how different experiences shift the energy within you.

With the Sun being in the 2nd line of the 10th gate (10.2) this is the line of the hermit and how the hermit is designed to deal with conditioning is by withdrawing.  So if you are feeling like someone is trying to condition you away from your true self today, give yourself permission to withdraw.  Set that boundary in place today because that energy is there for you to utilize.  This gives you the space to not take that conditioning on. Listen to and follow your Strategy and Authority.

Winter Solstice brings with it a strong energy that empowers your potential to live authentically as yourself, embracing and accepting the unique being that you are.

Release what is not you and fall into deep love and acceptance of who you are designed to be, when you do this you empower others to do the same.  This is one way you can shift the world into a higher frequency.

Love yourself,

How to use your Human Design to get through the Holidays.

This holiday season has been a little off for my family, I am genuinely sending all of the good energy to you and your family that you've experienced a little more holiday magic than we have in the last few weeks.

As all of your gatherings approach I wanted to share with you a few tips I have around how experiment with how you're designed this Holiday season.

For many of us this is truly a time of good cheer but for other's not so much.  I've personally found that as I've embraced my design and followed my Strategy and Authority (S&A) it has helped me tremendously stay in alignment as I see family and friends, some whom I adore and some whom, well... not so much.

So let's break down what following your S&A looks like during your holiday gatherings.

Generators and Manifesting Generators...

Take a step back and observe what you respond to.  How is your sacral energy responding to different people and/or situations?  Start getting in touch with your sacral energy and see what it feels called to want more of and what it recoils from.  See what your open aura is pulling towards you.  Just observe, this will give you a good indication of where your energy is at.


Same with you, take a step back and observe. Instead of feeling obligated in initiating conversation wait for the other to engage with you.  Be at peace if you just want to talk to one person the whole event and really dive into that conversation. Do your best to focus on one person at a time, remember you have a very penetrating aura that is meant to hone in on and connect with one person at a time.  Wait to give/offer advice until you are invited to by the other, save your wisdom and energy for those that ask for it.

If you want to try a fun experiment with your aura, zero your focus in on someone and see how long it takes them to turn around.


Stand in your power and listen to that inner authority. If there is something that your authority is telling you listen to it and then as politely as possible inform those whom you need to about your decision, then take action.  Your true people will understand and follow if they're meant to.  You're designed to be an initiator so if there is a fun game or some other activity you've been wanting to do, set it up and invite the other's to join you and go do your thing!


Really observe the differences in your energy when you're around different groups of people.  How you're feeling your energy is a reflection of those people around you. Do you feel healthy and happy? Do you feel more uplifted?  Does your energy feel more pulled down to a lower frequency? You have so much wisdom in the healthy of other's physically. emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Start to tap into that because it's your super power.  Allow yourself to taste the energy of others, but remember to be a screen not a sponge.  You do not need to take on their energy, simply observe it. Then when you get some remember to tune into your energy centers and do a little clearing out of what is not your energy.

For everyone...

You are designed and worthy of being with people that bring more joy and loving energy into your life.  You are worthy of having other's lift your frequency up and not bring it down.  You are not here to people please.  You can be kind and Stand strong in who you are.  This is the perfect time to experiment with your Strategy and Authority, be light hearted in this experiment, look at is through the eyes of a child with curiosity.  Let go of the judgement and just observe.

Remember people's behavior says more about them then it does you.

If you need a refresher on your Strategy and Authority you can always re-run your chart by clicking the button below!

Sending you all of the love this holiday season,
Mallory Riess

Energy Centers in Human Design: Why they Matter and What's their Purpose

Energy Centers in Human Design: Why they Matter and What's their Purpose

Energy Centers in Human Design: Why they matter and what’s their purpose.

In Human Design there are 9 different energy centers and these are derived from the 7 energy centers of the Hindu Chakra System.  See the image below…

So what happened? Well, humanity has evolved. For a long time we needed to listen to outer authority to make the world work and grow. This is how the 7 centered being operated, they were designed to listen to outer authority and listen to logical processes. To create the world that we have today that was needed.  But, we have not evolved into the 9 centered beings that we are today and we are no longer meant to follow outer authority like our 7 centered ancestors. 

The 9 centered beings are designed to follow their own inner authority, and this is the power of Human Design because it let’s you know what center your inner authority lies in so you can start to develop a relationship with that authority and learn to trust it above all else.

So what's the purpose of each energy center? 

Each Energy Center has a specific function. It's how we're able to process things in the world. 

So here’s a quick breakdown of each of the 9 Energy Centers for ya:

Root center = pressure and stress to get you going and to evolve
Ajna = how you conceptualize and process information and what's going on in your life
Head = center for inspiration and pressure to think 
Heart =  your will center
G = center of love, identity, & direction
Splenic center =  health & instinct
Solar plexus =  center of emotion. 
Sacral center = vital life force energy
Throat = manifestation & communication 

Haven't started your Human Design Journey?  You can create your custom Human Design chart for free on my website here and learn what energy center your inner authority lies as well as videos to get you started.

Ready to dive a little deeper into each energy center?  Click here to get my free Beginner’s Guide to Aligned Energy Centers where you can learn more about each energy center and start to bring awareness to when you are operating in or out of alignment within each energy center. Snag it below!

The Beauty in "Waiting to Respond" - experiences from a Human Design Generator

The Beauty in "Waiting to Respond" - experiences from a Human Design Generator
As a Generator my strategy is "wait to respond."   Oh, how hard that lesson has been...  but at the same time how much life is opening up for me in more ease and flow. 

We are raised in a society that teaches us to got out and "make it happen."  The conditioning force is strong in the collective.  But here's the thing only about 9% or the population is actually suppose to go out and "make it happen."  Those are our Manifestors.  Now the rest of us... the rest of us are suppose to wait.  Wait to respond, wait for an invitation, wait the lunar cycle.  Ugh, who wants to freaking wait!

I've been walking through my Human Design journey for almost 2 years now, and I'm just starting to get this "wait to respond" thing, and how it really does create more ease and flow in my life.

Let me give you a super mundane and everyday life example if the beauty in waiting to respond...

We've recently taken on the project of re-organzing the garage and bought all new totes from Costco since the old ones were faded, starting to break and because Ryan has that Outer Vision (he is designed to like what he sees) and I feel that Lakshmi energy when everything looks pretty we bought all matching totes.

Well our old totes have been sitting in a pile in the garage.  No real reason, I could have totally posted them on our local "Buy Nothing" group but I didn't, I waited... and Waited, and waited a little more (probably about 3 weeks) then yesterday one of my friends whose really active in the community posted that she is starting to collect good condition clothing to start a community clothing swap so that we can all get access to free cloths and especially serve the foster children in our community. Seriously can't tell you what a good person this women is!

So of course she's asking for clothing, but then she also was asking for storage totes and clothing racks.  This was perfect, I was so glad I waited to respond.  I messaged her right away that I had so many totes she could have.

Of course I could have gotten rid of all those totes much sooner (maybe) had I posted them, but I'm so happy I wanted to respond instead of taking immediate action.  But me waiting, that allowed me to give those totes to an amazing woman with an amazing mission. One day I definitely want to run her design, totally curious if she's a Manifestor!

Just a simple every day example of how things naturally do work out when you wait to respond as a Human Design Generator energy type.

Want to know your design and strategy?  Run your personal Human Design Chart!  You'll get access to videos explaining your energy type and strategy.

I'd love to hear how following your strategy has helped bring more ease and flow into your life!  Drop your stories in the comments!

Roots & Wings - A yoga flow and contemplation

Roots & Wings - A yoga flow and contemplation
Sometimes it simply takes getting back to your Roots in order to Grow your Wings and finally take flight...

Young Living's convention just wrapped up a couple of weeks ago and the theme was Roots & Wings, which was such a great reminder for me that I needed to get back to my own roots and rebuild my foundation so that I can grow my wings and take flight.

If you're familiar with Human Design my profile is a 5/1 and that second number (in my case the 1) is your unconscious personality, the personality that you're kinda aware of but at the same time not at all.  The first number is your conscious personality, the one that usually you really resonate with.  I'm not going to dive into all of the profiles and numbers at this time, but if that's something you're interested in leave me a comment below, when I get enough interest then we can take a dive into all that good stuff!

Now, back to that 1 in my profile... whenever we are talking about 1st lines, in both Human Design and the Gene Keys, we are always talking about the foundation, so anyone with a 1 in their profile needs to lay a solid foundation.  As I have been walking my de-conditioning path I have found this to be so true.  I am able to tap back into my true essence and find my confidence when I feel solid in my foundation and this takes growing DEEP roots.  Growing deep roots back into the core of myself; tapping back into my innate power, wisdom, and worthiness.

For every convention Young Living creates an Essential oil blend (this year 2!) to honor the intention behind that year's theme.  I love this because it is a way for me to keep working with that energy that was cultivated throughout convention. This year they created two blends Roots and Wings. 

While I was sitting one morning inhaling and sitting with the oils I was inspired to put together a Roots & Wings Yoga Flow as my way of grounding this intention in my physical body. Grounding energy down into my physical body is one of the way I process, this comes from that 1st line in my profile.

So, whether you have these oils are not, I'd love for you go join me in my interpretation of this energy through yoga.

All you need yourself, a mat, and a little space to move.

Now, let's ground into your Roots so that we may grow our Wings and Fly!

I hope that this flow empowered you as much as it did myself!

In most of my yoga flows I used essential oils because they simply add another layer of healing and energy into the physical practice.

Mary Young the CEO and Co-Founder of Young Living Essential Oils explains the intention of the Roots Blend best in this little clip from Convention...

As she says, the intention for the Roots Oil Blend is to reconnect you back to the root of who YOU are and release the conditioning from the outside world. 

Roots contains:

  • Balm of Gilead - which in ancient times was one of the most highly prized oils in the world for health and healing, it was even termed 'Liquid Gold'. and literally worth more than gold!
  • Grand Fir - Grown on Young Living's Highland Flats farm is known for it's emotionally refreshing quality (if you've ever spent some time around conifer or evergreen trees you know the energy I'm writing about!). It brings a calm and peaceful quality allowing you the space to sink back inside yourself.
  • Angelic - a sacred oil of protection and renewal
  • Cistus - which helps you to connect you back to your intuition and deep inner knowing.  This will awaken your inner awareness so you know where your roots need to grow the most.
  •  Myrrh - cleaning and purifying to help you release what is not you which brings an uplifting energy and promotes great joy back into yourself!
  • Sacred Frankincense - helps you to be equal parts grounded in yourself and interconnected to all beings in this universe.
The Aroma of the Roots blend is soft and earthy just as it should be!

Wings Essential Oil Blend is our way to renew the soul and physical body to take flight.

Wings contains the following oils:

  • Northern Lights Black Spruce & Idaho Blue Spruce - to bring grounding and support
  • Sacred Frankincense & Myrrh - to anchor your deep broad roots to stay grounded in your purpose and life path
  • Sacred Sandalwood, Lavender, Geranium, Ylang Ylang, German Chamomile, Angelica - to help you flower
  • Tangerine, Orange, Melissa, and Rose - to uplift the heart and soul while you fulfill your purpose and create the life of your dreams.
Wow, some powerful oils!  If you're not already a Young Living Customer of mine and would like to  snag these oils and really dive into how Essential oils can support your health and spiritual journey head on over to my link and you can grab one or both of these oils!

When you spend 100 PV or more you'll unlock 24% off the dollar amount of your order 🙌 
Now what they heck is PV? Well, Young Living is a global company so think if PV as it's currency. If you're here in the US then the PV amount will usually be the dollar amount after you've unlocked the 24% discount.  Still confused?  Leave me a comment below or shoot me an email, I'd be happy to answer any questions!

Have the best day my friend and go out, ground into your roots, so that you too may grow your wings and FLY!

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