How we can change the world - through the lens of Human Design.

How we can change the world - through the lens of Human Design.
Many of my mornings I spend in contemplation.  Yesterday I was contemplating how as awareness of Human Design grows what amazing changes this knowledge will bring into the world and how excited I am about what I'm creating and bringing to the table to do my part to facilitate this change.  Read to the end because I have a super exciting announcement!

It is my belief that many of the issues we see throughout the world are lower frequency shadow patterns from generations of oppression.  Whatever your skin color, ethnicity, religious, non-religious. etc is we have all been oppressed on some level because the vast majority of us have not been raised and honored as our unique selves. I'm on a mission to lift that oppression and encourage everyone to live as themselves and raise their children to do the same!

We are conditioned from the get go.

In my experience understanding my Human Design chart and the charts of my friends and loved ones has helped me to understand them and simply allowed me the accept them as the individual unique human beings that they are.

This is why I feel it is so important for each of us to embrace your Human Design, because you can unlock your full potential and become the best version of yourself. You'll learn how to make decisions based on your inner authority, rather than trying to fit into someone else's expectations or beliefs.

When you can do this for yourself then you can give space and acceptance for other's to embrace their design.

Imagine a world where everyone is encouraged to be themselves – where differences are celebrated, and individuality is recognized as a valuable asset. That's the world that Human Design can help create.

When we stop trying to conform to society's norms and start embracing who we truly are, we can create a more harmonious and interconnected world. We can live in a world where people are happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.

I invite you to explore Human Design and discover how it can change your life and the world around you. Let's start a movement of authenticity and self-discovery.

I'm excited to announce that I'm sooooo close to launching "Vitality by Design" which will be a monthly membership where we dive into all of the different aspects of the Human Design chart so you can not only understand yourself at a deeper level but also those in your life.  Not only will there be an even expanding library of resources for you to learn about but you'll also have the chance to ask me questions directly.

Stay tuned for me info!

With love,

Deconditioning takes 7 years...

Deconditioning takes 7 years...
Human Design is not a quick fix to get you to your highest self.  It is a process, it is a journey.

It takes 7 years for you to fully release the conditioing that no longer serves you and strip away the layers that are not you so that you can uncover that which is truly and energetically you.

Unless you were fortunate enough to be raised by caregivers that knew Human Design and were actively in their own Human Design experiment the odds that you were raised according to your design and truly respected as you are, is slim.  Now, this is no fault of your caregivers, they simply didn't know.  Human Design wasn't a system until 1987 and even after Ra Uru Hu (the founder of Human Design) received this information it took him the next 20 years of his life to get it out into the world.

Now, over 30 years later I think this system is finally getting some traction and maybe the future generations to come will finally be raised according to their design.  I know I am doing my very best to honor my children's design and respect them according to how their energy operates.

Since the likely hood of you being raised according to how you are deigned is slim let me explain why it takes a full 7 years (if not more) to decondition.

Human Design works at a cellular and genetic level.  The Gates of the the Human Design chart are connected to your DNA and the frequency that you live in those activations will affect the health of your DNA. As we experiment with our Design and surrender to Strategy and Authority this fundamentally changes and heals your cells, bringing them back to their true state and how they were designed to function.

It takes the body about 7 years to fully regenerate all the cells in the body that can be regenerated. 

When you first start your Human Design journey you have no proof that it will work.  That life can flow with a little more ease.  This does not mean hard things don't happen or you don't have to "work" for anything, but it does mean that what is truly correct for you will come to you.  You don't have to push, struggle, and exhaust yourself for something that is not in alignment for you any more.  You can be the person you came here to be in this lifetime and release what everyone else has told you, you need to be.

But all of this takes time and ultimately surrender to your Strategy and Authority.

I've been in my experiment for 2.5 years and just in this short time I have released so much that used to cause me stress, anxiety, and trying to always prove my worth.

It all start with allowing yourself to release what is not you.  In Human Design you are not trying to be someone else, you are really not trying to "improve", you releasing what is not you so the REAL you can shine.

Human Design is the Science of Differentiation. We are each here to be a unique being with a unique path and expression of life.  Honor yourself, be uniquely you.  

Give yourself patience and grace in the process, because in a world of everything happening so fast, this process takes time and that's okay.  There is no rush, everything happens in divine timing.

I am here for you.  I am here to help teach you about your own design so you may live the life that is truly correct for you.  I am here to support you in whatever way I can during your journey.  

Click on the link below to create your chart and learn more about it!

With love,

Taking care of your physical body is vital to living in alignment.

Recently I started back on track of the Master Herbalist program I signed up for months ago.  Life got in the way and it kept getting pushed to the back of the pile.  I also feel like I wasn't quite in the state to move on with my studies.  More work needed to be done on myself before I could go onto the next class which was all about nutrition and "Eating to Live"

Food has been such a strong conditioning force in my life.  It has been what I've used to self sooth and deal with my undefined Solar Plexus center.  Hi, I'm Mallory and I'm an emotional eater.

Having worked on so much of my deconditioning especially around the Heart Center and releasing feelings of needing to prove myself and stop making promises has been huge for my mental health and also starting my journey of healing my relationship with food.

What I've come to realize is that I genuinely want to take care of my physical body for many reasons, but through my Human Design studies and following Strategy and Authority I've learned that this is the upmost importance.

Think about Human Design for a min and where your Authority lies. For most of us, with the exception of mental projectors and reflectors, our authority lies in an energy center located within the body.  Remember the Head or Ajna center is NEVER an authority.  

It is our physical form that makes the decisions for us. And our attraction field is held in the G center so this attracts to us what we receive in life through the 3D plane we live on.  

So after much pondering and contemplation it has made me realize how important it is to have a clean and healthy body.  If my body is not cleansed how can I possibly be receiving all of its signals correctly?

Now for my mental projectors and reflectors, even though your authority is environmental or follows the lunar cycle you still use your body's mechanics more than your mind to feel through the process to make your decisions. These are not mental decisions.  So I would venture to say it is even more important for you to have a clean physical form to really be able to "read" the energy field around you.

Ok so where do you start on your health journey.  There are so many places and sometimes food in not the place because soooooo much conditioning is held in this area of our lives.

But if you are in a space and your authority is telling you food is the place for you to start here are a couple of books I recommend... you can snag these form your local Library or get them on amazon (links provided and yes I do get a small commission)

First up "Eat to Live:"  you can click on the image to order from Amazon.  This book written for Americans but can be applied to just about any wealthy country today and breaks down why we are so chronically ill.  For me chronic illness comes in two forms... not taking care of our physical form and not operating in alignment with how we are energetically designed to.  Dr. Fuhrman does advocate for a mainly plant based diet and does a good job arguing why it is important for the body to operate correctly through eating primarily plants.

I will also include that with 2027 coming and the eventual breakdown of the 49th gate I do think that it is important for us to be adopting a more plant based diet, but this is a blog post for another day.  If there is a ton of interest in this please leave me a comment below and I may be able to bump it up on my priory list to talk about.

The next book that has been a huge help for me in connecting why taking care of the physical form is important is "Transfiguration Diet". I love that the tag line for this book is: "Your Genetic Characteristics CAN be reprogramed" I feel this on a deep level of my soul and Human Design also backs this up from an energetic standpoint.  This book also focuses on a more plant based diet of Whole Foods and also goes into how eating this way supports us at a genetic level.

From all of the research I've done and experiences I've received just because you have a genetic disposition from something does not mean that gene will be triggered and you will end up with that health aliment. Seriously a good read.  Click on the image below to order from amazon or check it our from your library.

All of this is just the starting point.  My intention is to offer more of my research, findings, obervations, and experiences around how being mindful of your physical health will benefit your Human Design experiment and vice versa.

Stay tuned and have a great rest of your day!

With light and love,

Happy Rave New Year! 🎊

Happy Rave New Year Beautiful Soul! 🌟

The Human Design "New Year" starts on January 22nd when the Sun moves into the 41st gate.

Now, why does the 41st gate mark the new year in Human Design?  This is because the 41st gate correlates with the start codon in our biological genetic code.

The Genetic Code is made up of combinations of 4 letters: A, T, C, & G. These letters are called bases and are the building blocks of our own unique genetic code. It is the different combinations of these letters that lets the body know what to create when making new cells, replacing old cells, and to heal.

When the spefic letter sequence: ATG shows up in your genetic code the body knows that this is the start of instructions of what to do next.

This 41st gate is connected to this ATG letter sequence and operates like a front door key to open the rest of the code.

So depending on what frequency your "front door" is in will affect the frequency of the rest of the house (your body, mind, and consciousness).

To understand where you are at, let's talk a little about the 41st gate and the energy it holds.

The 41st Gate is the Gate of Decrease  or the Gate of contraction and what this mean is it hold the energy of basically learning to be resourceful with what you have.  When there is a limitation of resources this can maximize your potential depending on how you deal with your limitations.

There is a great pressure within this gate because it is located in the Root Center, which is a pressure center, and the 41st gate holds the pressure to feel or have new experiences.  To use this energy properly we must focus and be fully present on one experience at a time.  When we do this we have the capacity to maximize the potential of each experience fully and transcend to a higher frequency.

If you'd like to learn more about the 41st, Root Center, and how they affect your design stay tuned because I'm in the processes of creating a course where we take a deep dive into the power held in the Root Center.

You can signup for my newsletter to stay in the loop when that will be released and I'll also send you my "Beginner's Guide to Aligned Energy Centers" by clicking here.

Until then, be present in your day today.  Focus on each new experience you have, one at a time.  Check in with each feeling you have simply observing where you're energetically at as you move into this New Year in Human Design.

As always if you have questions or comments feel free to post them below!

With light and love,

2023 is just around the corner, are you designed to set goals or intentions?

2023 is just around the corner, are you designed to set goals or intentions?

2023 is just around the corner... 

this is the time that many of us have been conditioned to start thinking about the coming year and set "goals" for what we want to achieve and do.

Here's the thing traditional goal setting only work for ~1/3 of the population, 

those with a defined Heart/Ego center.  Now, why do I say 'maybe'? because even if you have a defined Heart Center, where you have consistent access to willpower, if you're not in true alignment and functioning in a healthy space in that center the goals you create may not truly be in alignment for you and you won't be using that energy you have correctly.

When you have a defined Heart center and you're operating in a healthy and aligned way, traditional goal setting can be super powerful for you because you have the will power to see those goals through as long as those goals are in alignment and initiated from your Strategy and Authority.

Now, what about the rest of us with an undefined Heart Center?  

Well, I suggest first contemplating if traditional goal setting has ever really worked for you.  Does it resonate? Does it keep you motivated? Or has it done more harm than good? Does it stress you out? Have you wondered why, year after year you can't stick to your goals?

With an undefined Heart Center you do not have consistent access to operating from pure willpower, you are not designed to make promises to yourself, or anyone else for that matter.  That's conditioning that will just set you up for failure.  

So instead of taking the route of setting traditional goals this year, take a breath, release the pressure, and try setting an intention for 2023.  Reframe those goals into intentions then surrender to your Strategy and Authority, take inspired action, and see where the year takes you.

If you'd like to see if you're Heart Center is defined, undefined, or open you can head to my website and run your Human Design Chart:

If you'd like to learn more about the operating in alignment within each of your energy centers and de-conditioning you can snag the "Beginners Guide to Aligned Energy Centers" and I'll walk you through the Not-Self themes of each energy center to watch out for and contemplations to help you work through your conditioning so you can live with more ease, flow, and trust in life.

I'm so excited to see what you release in 2023 so you can step into the person you are designed to be.

To you're freedom,
Mallory Riess

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